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2024/05/10 Preemptive Token Incineration Decision and Execution Guide(TXid added)

Hello, we're XENT.

As normalization through token swaps is near, the foundation executes preemptive token burning to provide users with a more stable token distribution structure.

[1] Pre-incineration of tokens scheduled for regular incineration in May and June 2024

As of the current date, incineration has been completed for May and 5,000,000 XENTs scheduled for June will be pre-incineration.

[2] Reserve Reserve Wallet Token Pre-incineration

It was judged that it would be difficult to incinerate all reserve tokens, which are allocated a total of 300,000,000 XENTs, due to many applications such as mainnet events and additional ecosystem expansion rewards in the future, but after implementing token distribution step by step, a certain amount of incineration is considered valid and 100,000,000 XENTs are pre-incineration.

[3] Blacklist Token Incineration + Rewards & Burn Wallet Additional Incineration

After proceeding with the swap, the tokens of the addresses that were previously locked to the black list cannot be supported by XENT, so all the quantities will be incinerated. (In the case of token recovery due to the suspension of the exchange platform during the black list, we will compensate you separately from this case by Rewards & incineration wallets.)

Total 30 wallet addresses 18,193,063 XENT + Rewards & Burn wallet Additional withdrawal incineration 1,806,937 XENT = 20,000,000 XENT

Due to this incineration, the existing distribution volume will be lowered.

[4] Foundation management allocation tokens are incinerated

We will incinerate all 30,000,000 XENTs that have been allocated to the operating during the team compensation and have been unlocked.

This incineration was voluntarily planned to show the management's responsibility for the part that caused concern to users.

The total amount of incineration for the above four items is 155,000,000 XENT, and the incineration Txid can be confirmed through TOKEN SUPPLY DETECTOR.

This incineration is the last incineration within the contract of XENT, and any incineration that may occur in the future will be a form of indefinite lock through transfer to the null address.

We would like to inform you that this type of incineration does not affect the total amount issued by Token Explorer, etc., and is excluded from the distribution volume only.

We will do our best to continue rapid normalization and reasonable policies.

Thank you.

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